On the surface, we seem to use a similar process to that of other consulting firms. The “art” is in the work approach, in the focus of the different stages of the process, and in our commitment to quality, with a cost structure adapted to the local reality and an effective use of our clients’ resources.
PLANNINGWe use a comprehensive process to understand the profile of successful candidates within each client’s context.
MAPPINGWe map candidates through a combination of vast market knowledge and research.
AND PRESENTATIONWe perform assessments using the best international tools, and we boast the most comprehensive reference checking in the market.
THE OFFERWe have the experience and market knowledge to actively “sell” the opportunity to the selected candidate.
FOLLOW-UPWe support the on-boarding process to ensure a successful integration process.
All searches have the direct participation of Gustavo Wurzel, who has extensive experience in Executive Search and Strategy and Organization Consulting.